Commercial Auto Insurance

Protect your business with Triangle Auto Insurance.

We know that businesses are the backbone of our economy. That’s why we offer commercial auto insurance policies to protect them from accidents and collisions.

What is the difference vs personal auto?

While personal and commercial auto insurance may appear to be similar, there are several key differences between the two.

  • Commercial auto insurance is typically required for any vehicle that is used for business purposes, such as making deliveries or transporting passengers.

  • Covers a wider range of vehicles, including trucks, vans, and cars that are used for business purposes.

  • Commercial auto insurance usually provides coverage for a wider range of risks, including accidents involving uninsured or underinsured motorists.

  • Commercial auto insurance typically carries higher limits than personal auto insurance, providing greater protection in the event of an accident. As a result, it is important to choose the right type of auto insurance depending on your needs.

Who should have it?

Anyone who uses their vehicle for commercial purposes should have commercial auto insurance. This includes business owners, delivery drivers, and anyone else who uses their personal vehicle to conduct business. Here are a few examples:

  • Landscaping and lawn care businesses

  • Plumbers, electricians, & HVAC businesses

  • Contractors such as carpenters, handymen, or painters

  • Janitorial or cleaning companies

  • Food trucks or other vendors

What is covered?

Typically, commercial auto insurance provides protection for both the vehicle itself and any passengers or property that may be damaged in an accident. It can also help to cover the costs of legal expenses if the business is sued as a result of an accident. As such, commercial auto insurance is an essential tool for mitigating the risks of owning and operating a commercial vehicle.

What kinds of vehicles?

The types of vehicles that are covered by commercial auto insurance can vary depending on the policy, but they often include:

  • Cars

  • Pickup trucks

  • Vans

  • Buses

  • Box trucks

  • Service vehicles

A policy from Triangle Auto Insurance will help you rest easy knowing that your business is protected in case of an accident. We have a variety of policies to choose from, so you can find the perfect one for your company.

Get a free quote today!